Marjorie the Potty Poser: The double-challenge winner this week seems to have grown in confidence, at least on set. She still hasn't shed herself of her self-deprecating habits, though, when she put down her "acting" abilities. Why, though, is this gown causing so much breakroom havoc? And couldn't this struggle occur somewhere that showcased the Orpheum theater a bit more--at least for me, most of the struggle is making it into the bathroom; I've usually got it covered from there.

Analeigh the Irascible Reporter: Appropriately, Miss Number 2 was also invited along to Marjorie's shopping spree. After Analeigh turned it on during the shoot, she looked just adorable, and I wish we were treated to more of her film. Marjorie and Lauren Brie guest star.

McKey the Disappointed Damsel: McKey pulls off disappointment, but Tyra wanted more--McKey should have also conveyed the fake happiness. Tyra herself shows that that isn't exactly the easiest of tasks, as Tyra's "example" consisted of ugly face contortions that exuded neither disappointment nor happiness.

Sam the Blinded Ham: To prep herself for the role, Samantha decided to speak in a strange accent, and Mr. Jay had to remind her to "bring it back to modeling." During panel, no one thought she portrayed what she was supposed to, but Nigel defended her good looks and ability to bring some other emotion to the photo. All agreed that most of the good work came from the photographer, Mike Rosenthal. So why was Samantha called before Joslyn?

Elina the Emotional Victor: Was Mr. Jay blinded by Elina's tears? Because the photo did not convey actual emotion, even if Elina really did cry. The fake tear was nice, but the makeup was not flattering. Her face was painted in an angular fashion, which further hardened her face for what should be a visage softened by tears.

Joslyn the Dismayed Doppelganger: Unlike Sheena last week, Joslyn was not wearing a tacky outfit to panel. So why the low rank on a photo where the judges said she was at her most beautiful? Lack of emotion, perhaps?

Sheena the Snagged Superstar: The hair department (read: Christian Marc!) left much to be desired this week. Sheena's curls only emphasize her strange head shape, and her non-modellyness leaves her at the bottom this week. Once again, according to Tyra, personality prevailed. Sheena's shriek may have been a bit rude to Lauren Brie, but I understood where she came from--who would have thought mannequin-perfect LBrie would be the one to go?

Lauren Brie the Tripping Tramp: Her face conveyed what the wide shot couldn't, and that just wasn't enough for Ms. Mannequin. Not that it would have helped, but since this photo has a mostly black background and LBrie's whole body had to contribute to the premise, wardrobe should have picked her a brighter color dress.

Tyra: I'm very confused as to what Tyra is trying to convey. She certainly isn't acting as though she received a Fiercee. Perhaps she is protecting her trophy from all those klepto-models!
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